Monday, August 6, 2012

Well, Well, Well

It would only seem fitting that the year we put in a large garden/produce stand would be the year that we experience one of the worst droughts.  It hasn't rained for months and the water bill for the museum was off the charts.  In fact, when the water meter reader (is that even a job?) came by he actually did a double take. And the water company sent us a letter letting us know we were using an large amount of water and to make sure nothing was wrong.

So Jim decided we needed a well.  However, wells are very expensive and the museum doesn't have a lot of money just sitting around.  Once again, a community member came through and donated the money for us to get the well dug.  If it wasn't for this wonderful friend of the museum we probably wouldn't have been able to get this done.  And wouldn't you know it, the moment the well started being dug, it rained.  The Smallie family actually sat in the rain to watch.

We have water!!!  Actually, lots of water.  An underground creek runs about 40 food under the ground and we were able to tap into that.  YAY!!!!!

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